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Stake Your Blockchain Experience

A proof-of-stake blockchain that was developed for a network to support decentralized applications with a variety of functions and utilities, especially DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, and Metaverse. JFIN Chain will use JFIN tokens as its native tokens for transactions (gas fee).

Download JFIN Whitepaper Version 3.0 (JFIN Chain)

JFIN Token - Whitepaper 3.0 EN_01.07.22.001.jpeg

Start to stake on JFIN Chain

Website JFC-03.png

Read JFIN Chain Manual​


1. Starting Metamask

2. Staking on JFIN Chain​

How to transfer JFIN

JFIN Chain connects to Bitkub Chain

Bridging JFIN coins between JFIN Chain and Bitkub Chain will help reduce service fees for cross-chain transactions and make using JFIN tokens much more convenient.

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